My little Levi was having a rough day. Crying inconsolably and I wish I knew why. Maybe it was a new tooth? Naps were my only savior that day.
I had to present some thoughts at a stake auxiliary training meeting that night. I found the one outfit I actually feel confident in, did my hair and make-up and felt ready to go. Levi fussed and I picked him up. He puked all over me and him. I stood there in shock, feeling sorry for myself and wondering what I was going to wear now. He puked again and then I just felt disgusted - Brian is usually the one that deals with throw-up.
I gave strict orders to the big kids not to walk into the kitchen while I undressed myself and Levi and threw him in the bathtub. I quickly wiped up the floor and threw the clothes in the washer. I came back to the tub and found Levi poking around at some weird floaties. Throw-up? No....poop. Clean the tub, clean Levi, but don't have time to clean me. Just put on some less-cute clothes and go.
It was just one of those days.
Let's hope a day like that doesn't come again for a couple years. I had one of those with Adam when we moved to Houston. We had carpet that was less than a week old. He threw up 10 times in the course of an evening and each time it was a different spot on the floor. He refused to puke in the bathroom or in a bowl.
I've had the throw up but never on my cutest outfit... what rotten luck! I never get dressed nice for anything now until 1 minute before it's time to leave... and sometimes even then is too early.
Oh Tara!! That sounds horrible!! I'm amazed that you had enough time to clean him and the tub and all that before you left!!
I hope your night went well and you were able to just forget about home life and concentrate on the meeting!!
Wow. Way to go, Tara! I am thoroughly impressed. By the end of one of *those* days, you just finally have to laugh at the lucky string of events, don't you? ;)
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