I laugh when I think I wanted to be a political science major.
In eighth grade we watched "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington", and I knew I wanted that to be me.
Its funny because I know absolutely nothing about politics.
I voted today, but that doesn't really mean anything. I had no idea what or who to vote for. I felt like I was taking a test and I didn't know the right answers. I wished someone would just tell me the right answers.
One of these days my goal is to be an informed voter. For now I just hope I didn't do more harm than good with my little vote.
I feel the same way Tar. I wish I knew more and was better informed. I actually felt nervously defiant when I voted "Against" a couple of things yesterday.
Also, I remember when you were a kid and said you wanted to be the first female president. I thought you were so cool. I bet you could still do it! :)
Hey girls. I totally know what you're talking about! I never knew how important all this stuff was until I realized there were total *crooks* in DC. How do these guys get in office? WHY do people let them STAY!?
I think lots of us have just been happily ignorant. The past 2 elections, I have spent a few hours searching GOOGLE for info about the people on the ballots. It's not too difficult to find out what these guys stand for and how their stance jives with your values.
My goal next election: search Google BEFORE the night before elections!
You can do it! -- Show those crooks who's REALLY the boss around here! :)
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