Dear Blumers,
First of all, thank you for the delicious cookies and cold milk. I can tell you kids had fun making those cookies with your mom, and you decorated them beautifully! Thank you for sharing with me!
You have been a very busy family since I came to your house last year. Paige is in kindergarten; Ashby goes to preschool; Levi is learning to talk, run, climb and play; Tara is back in school, teaching aerobics, and busy at church; and Brian is working hard at UVU, at home and at church. You have all been very good this year! Thank you for being good friends and neighbors, for being kind and showing a good example, and for trying hard to follow Jesus Christ. I like to bring you presents, but I'm glad you know Jesus gave you the most important gift of all through His atonement.
So keep up the good work, Blumers! Paige, enjoy school, be good in Primary, and obey your Mom and Dad. Ashby, be nice to your brother and sister, have fun as a Sunbeam in Primary, and obey your Mom and Dad. Levi, learn some more words, learn some songs in nursery, and try not to bump your head too much! Tara and Brian, keep loving each other and loving your precious children - they are growing so fast!
Merry Christmas, and I'll be back again next year!
Love, Santa Claus

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