Jehovah's witnesses keep coming to my door. I've talked to them in the past and they've given me their handouts. I smile and listen cause I don't want to be rude and I know they're sharing nice messages. But now they just keep coming and coming! I'm afraid I'm their golden contact. I don't know what to do!!
They came knocking on our door once. I told them I appreciated what they were doing, but that I was very comfortable with my relationship with my Savior. I don't want to treat them any way that I wouldn't want my nephews treated on their missions, including "leading them on". It seems to have worked. They said a very kind farewell and never came back.
That is a good idea. -- Also, I've heard offering to give them a Book of Mormon is a super hint. :) Maybe they'll even give their contact information for the elders to visit them! :)
You should talk to Katie Barry, she was super nice like that, too. I don't remember if it was her that taught me that trick but I always grab the phone before I answer the door and hold it up to my ear. Then if it's somebody I actually want to talk to I can just get off real quick. :)
The big difference between Jehovah's Witnesses and other Christians is that the Watchtower Society's central core creed proclaims Jesus second coming in October 1914.
They sometimes try to obscure this today and say that he came *invisibly*.Yes,all other Christains are awaiting Jesus return,the JW say he ALREADY came in 1914.
Watchtower society membership data is compiled by them,there is no way to verify.Interesting that they have recently admitted to losses in almost all industrialized countries.
Reports from TIME Magazine-*An even more extreme example of what might be called *masked churn* is the relatively tiny Jehovah's Witnesses, with a turnover rate of about two-thirds*.
That means that two-thirds of the people who were raised Jehovah's Witnesses no longer are.
Jehovah's Witnesses are the highest loss of any religion.
*tell the truth don't be afraid*--Danny Haszard
I've had similar troubles. They come every other month or so here. They came during conference and invited us to an Easter activity. My kids got super excited to go. I just took their flyer and said thank you. But I wanted to say that I was busy listening to the prophet and please go away. :)
my great grandmother was a jw. in my experience with her and on the mission i have found them to be delightful individuals that generally have a sincere desire to spread the good word of God. because they are literalists and base many of their beliefs on specific scriptures taken out of the context of the bible as a whole it is virtually impossible to have a real bible discussion with them. it's just like hitting your head against a wall.
handing them a bom will certainly scare them away. i did that once on my mission to a lady that came to our door. when i tried to give it to her she backed away like i was handing her a plague. kinda funny memory actually.
i think it's important to acknowledge the intent -- i always thank them for their willingness to sacrifice their time to share the gospel. hardly anyone does these days. but i do what you said tara...i just let them know i'm happy with where i'm at and wish them well.
funny that you get them even in the heart of provo. that's pretty brave if you ask me.
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