Last Sunday I was called into the bishop's office. I was slightly nervous because I already had 3 callings and I couldn't imagine what else they would ask me to do.
Bishop said, "We are under direct orders from the stake president to release you as primary chorister."
So, I was released and guess what? I wasn't even given a new calling.
A couple weeks ago Brian was released as Elder's Quorum president. In his exit interview with the stake president I was asked what I do. I was surprised to see Pres. Shumway taking notes as I spoke...
"Well, I have three callings. I'm the stake Young Women sports director, which I super duper love, but it gets busy during Girls Camp time because I'm on the YW board and take different responsibilities to help with camp. I'm on the stake Relief Society board to help with the stake aerobics group. That's not too bad because I go to aerobics anyway, but I also have board meetings to attend with that and assignments for events like women's conference, etc. I'm also the ward primary chorister. Which is fine because its a Sunday calling so it doesn't overlap much with the other callings, but it is definitely a lot of work. So, I serve in all three auxiliaries which only gets confusing when I go to auxiliary training meetings because I am literally running from room to room to be where I'm needed when I'm needed."
Pres. Shumway replied, "And how many kids do you have?"
...So that's probably why I was released.
Oh wow Tara! Hopefully you won't be too stressed now. It's hard having a calling; period when you are juggling kids, etc. so having three would be super crazy. I'm glad the stake pres. stepped in.
(BTW: Cloey made something for Paige over a month ago and with going to UT for the funeral, coming home and putting things away I think I threw it away... whoops. So... a letter will come soon (ish). We haven't forgotten about Paige. :)
You're fantastic and do such a great job in all your callings! The surprising thing is that you were only released from one of them. The stake policy is one per customer when possible.
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