Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bragging Rights

Its about 4 weeks into the school year and I feel like I'm allowed to brag.

Ashby had his kindergarten assessment the week before school started. He came home with a note that said, "A typical score for an entering kindergarten child would be between 100-120 points. Your child's score at the beginning of the year is 217." Yay Ashby!

Paige came home with her 2nd grade beginning-of-year assessment last week. It said, "Paige has met or surpassed grade level expectations." Yay Paige!

...So, what is she supposed to do the rest of the year?

1 comment:

Olivia Justine said...

chas had that issue a few years. most of the years his teachers weren't smart enough to know what to do, but the year he was in a split class (3/4 -- chas was 4) his teacher put him to work teaching the 3rd graders. he LOVED teaching and it really reinforced the concepts he already knew. if you can teach it than you really know it, you know? plus, it really helped him practice modesty, humility, and compassion for others who were struggling. i would highly recommend talking to her teacher about such an opportunity. :)

btw... way to go ashby!