Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I've really got some great kids!

I had a very nice Mother's day. Brian tried something new for breakfast and I must admit I think it is my new favorite thing - Banana bread french toast with buttermilk syrup! Yum! French toast has always been my favorite, but made out of banana bread is pretty much fantastic. 

The kids showered me with hugs and presents and cards and it was wonderful. 

Sometimes I use Mother's Day as an excuse to not be a mother for the day. But this year I noticed that I really don't mind. I didn't mind helping in the kitchen, or changing a dirty diaper or stopping an argument. So, that was a nice realization.

I bought myself a new outfit for Mother's Day - complete with shoes. I haven't bought myself any clothes for a long time (like probably a couple of years), so it was kind of a big deal. I thought it was really cute, but it was out of my comfort zone a little with a belt and tucked in shirt - but I decided to just go for it. 
This is the best pic I have of it, so use your imagination. I got a lot of compliments at church, so that's a good sign. And a lot of people were looking at me because I completely forgot that I was supposed to say the opening prayer. I sat in my seat after the hymn looking at something or helping the kids or something. Then the guy behind me taps me on the shoulder and says, "You're supposed to say the prayer." I started to stand up with hands over my surprised face, just as the bishopric counselor stood up to pray in my place. He saw me. I sat back down. He motioned for me to go ahead and come up. I scrambled over the kids at my feet and walked up red-faced to the pulpit. Ugh!

Ashby really wanted to give me snapdragons for mother's day to put in planters on our front porch. I also received some flowers at church to plant. I was excited to make the porch look pretty and planted the flowers on Monday. I used fresh dirt, and miracle grow and even had Levi help me. I was pretty proud of myself for not procrastinating. But on Tuesday everything was already dead! I am so disappointed and confused about what I could have done wrong. :(

1 comment:

Tina said...

Oh wow Tara, you look absolutely gorgeous!!! Love, love, love the outfit. Where did you get it? I always wear belts and that one is super cute. You did good. Wear it with pride. At least you looked smokin even if you were embarrassed at church right? ;)