Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Hand, hand, fingers, thumb...

This picture might just look like ordinary household items to you. But when I look at it, all I see is torture. Added to this list is pushing a stroller, lawn mower, shopping cart; driving a car or bicycle; changing diapers, giving baths, massages, holding hands, cutting hair, playing tennis, anything crafty, using a computer mouse, typing, holding a book, cell phone, baby bottle, walking, hiking, lifting weights...

I want my kids to know that I'm sorry for all the times I've overreacted when they've taken their shoes off after I just put them on, or at any point during the day, really. Putting shoes on a toddler shouldn't be a big deal - but it is. Or when I'm trying to feed them a bite of cereal and they don't cooperate right away. Holding a spoon to a baby's mouth shouldn't be a big deal - but it is. Or when I'm holding their hand to cross the street and I desperately need them to walk faster so I can let go. Holding a hand shouldn't be a big deal - but it is. Or when they ask me to sign a paper for school and I make them show it to Daddy instead. Signing a paper shouldn't be a big deal - but it is.

Tomorrow I am having surgery on both hands for carpal tunnel syndrome. I am so excited, and so scared. I am so excited to have functioning hands again! I am excited to be able to do all the things I've wanted to do and learn the things I've wanted to learn - watercolor, calligraphy, chalk art, massage therapy! I'm also very scared.  I know recovery is going to be really hard with 6 kids to take care of - especially the baby. But I'm also scared for life after surgery. These tingling fingers have been a part of me for 11 years. Maybe sometimes I've used them as an excuse for avoiding things I haven't wanted to do, and soon I won't have that excuse anymore. Will I break out of my shell? What if I'm no good at it?

Tomorrow I start a new chapter in my life...wish me luck.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Party Animals!

I had a really good birthday party on Saturday the 20th. The main theme was "Party Animal". This was the sign Annika and I made to let people know to go to the backyard gate.

Mom made zebra striped cupcakes. The one on the bottom left was mine, because it had extra frosting. :)  Each cupcake had a puzzle piece with a secret message written on the back.

This is a table with refreshments we made for animal food.

The kitty littler squares are rice krispie treats with sprinkles in them. They were the treat people ate most.

When people walked into the backyard, they got special patterned party hats and sunglasses so they could be party animals.

We played a game called "who am I". We guessed what animal was written on our back and if we guessed right, we got a different animal. It took me a long time to figure out I was a zebra!

We also played games like "poor kitty" and animal charades.

The Bean Museum set up a live animal show at my house. A women came and showed us a snake named Monty. It was python.

We also saw a turtle named Topper.

And a tarantuala named Gwen.

My favorite animal was Topper the Turtle because he kept banging in his cage and trying to get out. And when we set him on the grass he moved really quickly to get away.

I really loved all of my presents. I got a cake pop maker and a mermaid Barbie, four Lego sets, a chalkboard, and a Nerf gun at my birthday party!

My friends who came were Kelsie Bingham, Ashby, Brayden Grodigut, Kaylee Halbfell, Annika Boyack, Levi, Emily Good, James Reid and Max Burley. Some of the friends I invited weren't able to come, which was too bad.

The secret message on the back of the puzzle was to have a dance party! "Party Animals! Let's rock 'n rock 'n roll!"

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Jonas is 6 months old

He's got two teeth.
He loves to explore his hands.
He grunts like a bear cub when he nurses.
He sometimes rolls onto his stomach in his sleep and then gets really mad.
His laughing and ticklish time is bedtime.
He kicks his legs loudly against the mattress when he's awake (even if its 3a.m.).
He hasn't gained very much weight (13lb 12oz).
He rubs his eyes and sucks on his arms.
He wants to be left alone to go to sleep.
He usually sleeps from 7pm to 6am. 
He is pretty noisy.
He doesn't grab things or move around yet.
He's a good baby.
He's adorable. 
We are happy he's ours!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Paige at Haigler

Paige was invited to attend a week-long cousin girls camp at Haigler Creek. This was her first time away from home by herself, and she even traveled to and from Arizona with people she had never met before (from Jana's side of the family). Lucky for Paige, she is very capable of making new friends. I missed my helper Paige while she was gone, but so grateful that she had this neat opportunity.

Here's what Paige has to say about it:

When I went to Haigler I went with Kim Lofgreen.
 My cousins, step cousins, and I loved to play in the river and cross it over and over again!

Every now and then we would go to the tree house close by the cabin we stayed in with Grandpa and Grandma Jana.

Julie, Kate, and I were the only ones brave enough to come to the very top.  It was much nicer than I remembered when last time I visited it.

We set a goal to finish our totebags by the time it was time to go, and we did it!

When I came home with my step cousins family, (the people that took me home) I saw my Mom and Dad waiting for me outside. You should've seen my face when I saw the poster hung on the door!

The names of the students  that were at camp were:
Paige Blumer 
Julie and Kate Smith
Ellie Greer 
Meagan Allred 
and Afton Allred.
The names of the helpers and leaders were:
Bethany Allred
Faith Fisher 
Dale Porter 
and Jana Allred 
Thank you For reading this entry on THE ROOMER ON THE BLUMERS!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

3 months old!

He smiles.
He laughs.
He's even getting a little ticklish. 
He eats well.
His eyes turned blue.
He's going to sleep a little earlier. 
He spits up less.
He coos more. 
He eats his fingers.
He notices when you leave the room.

For good and bad he's turning into a baby (not a newborn)!