I've recently decided that having 3 kids is hard after all. Everyone said it was going to be the hardest, but I thought I was handling it fairly easily. I just had to rearrange priorities and change my routine and figure it out - you don't really have a choice, right? You've just gotta do what you've gotta do. Now that Levi is walking and getting into everything, and the other two kids are still demanding a lot of attention, I don't really have any down time. I am glad when I can find a few minutes to take a shower.
Some people say that once you have 3 you might as well have 10. But I think I believe my sister when she says that 3 is much harder than 2, 4 is much harder than 3, and six is much harder than 5. How can you do everything and be everywhere? Although another sister says that 4 is a little bit easier than 3 because you've already had to make those HUGE adjustments in your life that allow for more kids - I believe that too.
Mostly I think you still just do what you've gotta do.