I've recently decided that having 3 kids is hard after all. Everyone said it was going to be the hardest, but I thought I was handling it fairly easily. I just had to rearrange priorities and change my routine and figure it out - you don't really have a choice, right? You've just gotta do what you've gotta do. Now that Levi is walking and getting into everything, and the other two kids are still demanding a lot of attention, I don't really have any down time. I am glad when I can find a few minutes to take a shower.
Some people say that once you have 3 you might as well have 10. But I think I believe my sister when she says that 3 is much harder than 2, 4 is much harder than 3, and six is much harder than 5. How can you do everything and be everywhere? Although another sister says that 4 is a little bit easier than 3 because you've already had to make those HUGE adjustments in your life that allow for more kids - I believe that too.
Mostly I think you still just do what you've gotta do.
Yeah, I've heard that one too - that once you have 3 kids, you might as well have as many as you want because it never gets any harder than three.
Here's my take.
Three is pretty frickin' hard. But just in case those people are wrong, and 4 is really even harder, I'm not going to test it out. I think they might be lying just to trick other people into being as crazy as they are!
Because if 4 were any harder than 3, I would lose.my.marbles.
I thought 2 was the hardest, especially at the first. Bumping somebody from being the only child was pretty traumatic.
Four is awesome because the oldest can start to help so much. I don't think it's how many children you have but the ages they are and whether or not they take good naps. I make all of mine take naps even if they don't sleep and that has been my lifeline.
I love that picture of your kids! So cute!!
I agree... two was a lot harder of an adjustment for me than three. I was so overwhelmed when I had Jacob. I couldn't quite grasp it but honestly, now don't shoot me... three has been so easy. I've actually LOVED It!!!
O.K, not easy easy but easier than two. They all seem to get along great and it's been so fun!
Have so much fun at girl's camp this week!!!
3 if definitely harder!
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