Although I have no pictures to prove it, I went wakeboarding yesterday and did it! It took about 4 tries, but then I got up and and stayed up - except for when I would fall down - and then get back up again. The YW on the boat said I looked like a professional. :) I felt pretty good about myself because I was the only one that got up, out of 5 that tried. On my last turn I was up for a while and then decided to try going over the wake. I knew I would fall, but wanted to try. I hit the water really hard and knew I was done with that for a while.

It was the Stake Laurel High Adventure activity and we went boating on the lake. It has been nearly 10 years since I was last on a boat. I'm glad I got the opportunity to do it this time. Hopefully it won't take another 10 years to do it again. Maybe next time I will have more chances to try wakeboarding and can build my confidence up.
Besides wakeboarding, we also went tubing. I worked really hard on that tube. I tried to show the YW how to do it because they were all silly girls and wouldn't let the driver go over 15 mph. I made him go crazy - and it was fun! But I am VERRRRY sore today. I'm glad to know that even if I am not skinny, I know that I am strong and fit and I can do hard things.
That's awesome Tara! You are strong and fit! Glad you had a great time!
Thanks for babysitting Angela! There's a bag of homemade bread headed your way! :)
Add wakeboarding to the list of things you can do that I can't.
I like the design updates to the blog, by the way. A lot.
You are so talented in every area that I'm not!!! I don't think there is anything you CAN'T do my dear!! Way to go and show those girls how tubing is done! I bet they love having you as a leader.
I remember doing stuff like that as a young woman but most leaders wouldn't try it. You would have been my favorite.
p.s. I am loving the stuff Ashby and paige say. I told brian the Be HAVE one and we cracked up. Also the "I couldn't have done it without you" from Paige. Your kids are a riot!
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