Sunday, April 25, 2010

Baby Bulldog Preschool

Paige has been participating in the Provo High School child development course, which is the preschool that the high school students put on three days a week. She just finished her last class on Friday. I think she had a fun time socializing with all the kids and getting some structure. They went a field trip the other day and actually rode a big school bus - that was pretty exciting. I'm not sure how much new stuff she learned, but she enjoyed the class. I think its neat that the high school kids get that experience as well. When we wanted to put her into preschool we did a lot of pricing out and got really discouraged. But this program was the cheapest we found and it was 3 instead of 2 days a week, and for 3 hours instead of 2. So I think we got a good deal. Paige is definitely ready for kindergarten, now we just have four months of nothing until then. I was surprised when Paige left her last day of bulldog preschool and exclaimed, "That was my last day! Now I get to go to aerobics with you!" I guess she has missed all her friends at aerobics.


Tasha said...

That preschool sounds really awesome. So glad you found it. And that she wasn't too disappointed about being 5 and not getting to go to school. Can't wait to see how she outshines all of those little kindergardeners next year!

Emily said...

Is the preschool at the high school a Utah thing? I've never heard of that before, but I know there is one at Lehi High too.