Thursday, June 2, 2011

Track and Fieldtrip

This summer I'm trying to take the kids on a field trip every week and spend some summer school time teaching them different things.

This week the kids wanted to learn about exercise - more specifically about Kung Fu and how to run fast. I don't know much about Kung Fu, but we tried to find stuff on YouTube and watched the new Karate Kid movie. We learned about muscles in our body and some of the funny sounding names they have, the difference between relaxed and contracted muscles and slow vs. fast twitch muscles - don't worry it was not very technical.

Today we went to the BYU outdoor track to learn about racing.

We started with a small 50-yard dash and I taught them about starting and finish lines, what "on your marks" means and a racer's stance.

The long jump was something they had never heard about before. I think it will be a while before they learn to land with two feet.

Ashby was not interested in trying the long jump until we convinced him that there was no sand getting in our shoes.

Paige's racer stance needs a little work, but she was definitely a very eager participant.

They finished the day with a race around the entire track! I thought it was a little ambitious, but Paige sprinted around the whole lap without any complaints.

Ashby gave up part way (a little frustrated that he couldn't keep up with Paige), but a nice mom encouraged him around the final curves and he was able to finish the race.

Champion of all the 6-year-olds at the track!

Champion of the all the almost 2-year-olds!

Champion of all the 4-year-olds!

It was really great field trip. Especially since we pretty much had the whole track to ourselves, the kids could learn about something new, and still have fun at the same time.


Unknown said...

What a fun week! My sister-in-law prepares a summer calendar for field trips each week. It's pretty amazing. We've never been able to do all of the activities, but it sure has given me some great ideas and given us some opportunities for new and wonderful things. If you want to see her schedule just let me know. I can forward you the email. Anybody is welcome to join in the group! I mostly stick with the close by and/or inexpensive items, lol. Oh, one of our favorite things is the pioneer village in Alpine. Moyle park. FABULOUS!!! AND FREE!!!

Tasha said...

So cool Tar! Can't wait to hear about all the other field trips.

Tina said...

What a great idea!! I seriously steal all of your ideas. You are so creative. Your kids look like they are good participants though. Mine... they are a little lazy :). I'm trying this summer to get them more active so talking about exercise and muscles is a good idea! I wish we had a cool track like that around here!!
Such cuuuute kids Tara!!

Cord said...

You are such a good mother Tara. Mom would be proud. And I love that you have shown your kids the importance of exercise by your example at aerobics and being involved in softball. Way to go!

Shayla said...

What a great activity. My first thought was, aren't they roasting, but then I remembered that Utah is not like Houston. I'm so happy for you. You've got such darling kids!!!

Brian Blumer said...

I just have to point out how clever Tara is in her choice of title for this blog entry.
She's clever all the time, but this is just more evidence.