Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rumor is I have a new bike

All summer long Brian has been doing mountain bike races. On Wednesday nights they have a raffle at the end of the race and give away great prizes. He has always persuaded me that the race entry fee is usually worth it because of the prizes. But every week he would come home and regretfully tell me he didn't win the bike. I guess many weeks they would give away some type of cruiser bike and he really wanted to win it for me.

Yesterday Brian raced up at Soldier Hollow which is the venue with a playground, so we all drove up to watch him and play together. At the end of the race they began the prize drawing. A couple of names were called and everyone was teased about whether they would take the bike. Then the announcer said, "Well if you're not going to take it, I know Brian Blumer will." Wow! What a great surprise, and even better that the prize was for me! Now that's a prize well worth the entry fee.

I haven't really had a bike I could ride comfortably. I've been grateful for the hand-me-down bike I've been using, but it doesn't fit me properly and I usually choose to rollerblade while Brian bikes. This new bike is great because I don't have to strain my neck or bend over and I can even ride it pretty well 9 months pregnant! Should be fun to go on family bike rides now.

Thanks for the great present Brian!

1 comment:

Tina said...

That is so great!! Wahooo!! I don't remember the last time I got on a bike... I think before I was married! Congrats!! (Oh, and I still remember going rollerblading with you while we pushed strollers. And remember when I/Tyler broke our stroller at the roller rink? (the name just slipped my mind)Good times!!)