Tuesday, November 1, 2011

the influence of Paige

Paige makes friends wherever she goes. She is the most outgoing and delightfully friendly girl you'll ever meet.

Over the years Paige has made special friends with my ob/gyn and the nurses in his office. She has often come to my doctors appointments during the previous pregnancies and she always had a new picture that she drew to give to Dr. Judd.

At the hospital with Cody, Paige saw Dr. Judd in the hall and gave him a kiss on the cheek and chatted it up with him and the nurses for quite a while. She likes being the center of attention and they were happy to give it to her. She then ran inside our room and proceeded to draw a picture - a liger, which we taped to the window of the door to our room. The staff couldn't get enough of Paige.

At my six-week check up Dr. Judd asked how Paige was doing and laughed at how cute her liger in the window was and how the nurses teased him for weeks about the kiss he got at the hospital. I was surprised by how much he could remember. But I think that's just the influence of Paige - she's hard to forget. Then the nurse in the room lit up and said, "Oh! You're Paige's mom?!"

I'm sure I'll be known as "Paige's mom" for the rest of my life. And that's okay with me.


Tasha said...


p.s. you've been busy this morning!

Heather Buell said...

Paige is adorable! It's fun having a memorable child!

Susie Faye said...

Haha, that's really adorable! Ya, she really has a way of making u feel like no time has passed since we've seen each and a way of making me feel like we're super good friends. Way to go guys, she's quite a girl.