Friday, September 6, 2013

Shopping with only one kid

Paige and Ashby were at school and Levi was at his first day of preschool. It was just me and Cody!
Wow, ONE kid!
There was lots of stuff that needed to be done and I mustered up all my pregnant energy to actually be productive.
We took Brian to work so I could have to car to go grocery shopping.
Shopping with only one kid?! Piece of cake!
I was so excited!
We made it through the first couple of aisles pretty well...
Then I had to bust out the snacks and juice.
Then I tried to get Cody to draw and color.
...Its okay, I can do this...
When we got to the cereal aisle Cody was going crazy and I thought of a book we read at home, Llama Llama Mad at Mama. So, I tried to be really patient and let Cody out of the cart to help me shop.
By the next aisle he had run off to the middle of the store.
Now my cart was very full and very heavy. And Cody absolutely refused to sit in his seat. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
I held him in my arms and tried to steer the heavy cart with only one hand.
We were almost done...just get some produce.
He's on the floor screaming.
Drag him to the check out.
Luckily the line isn't too long, but everyone in the store is staring at me.
I set Cody down and he flops on the floor to continue to scream.
A couple of people try to help, but there's nothing they can do. 
I'm dripping in sweat - and I had actually tried to look nice!
Everything is scanned and bought.
I grab Cody from off the floor and am so glad to get out of the store.
Then we fight to get buckled in the carseat.
Drive home and flop on the couch with the fan on high.
Shopping with only one kid?! Not such a piece of cake.
Now I'm scared to death to ever take Cody shopping again.

1 comment:

Shayla said...

I can totally picture this. So funny (now that it is over). It won't be long until Paige will be able to babysit for you to run errands. Hang in there!!! Darla