Friday, October 25, 2013

Gender Ultrasound

Yesterday we took Paige and Ashby out of class and we all hopped into the car for a family outing the doctor's office. The kids were so excited, of course, telling everyone they passed by that we were going to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl.

Paige has been pretty vocal about hoping the baby was a girl. Brian felt strongly it was a girl. I figured it was about time for a girl. Levi said he wanted a little sister. Ashby was adamant it was another boy. And Cody just says Woohoo.

We thought viewing the ultrasound together would be a fun experience for everyone (though we knew it would be a lot of work for us - well, mostly Brian. I just had to lay there).
The room was tiny, and it was very dark. The technician began her job looking around at things, and measuring things, and finding all the organs....and it was all pretty boring for the kids. We tried to make it exciting, but they mostly just wanted to go back to the waiting room and finish the movie.

The baby's legs were tightly closed so the technician did some jiggling and kept looking around. Eventually she found a pretty good shot and felt very confident in her analysis. When all the kids were paying attention she tried to describe and point (but who can ever really tell what's going on in those pics) and finally wrote BOY!!! on the screen. 

Paige stood there silent. Ashby read the screen out loud to everyone and hooted and hollered. I probably just laughed (I've been laughing a lot the last day). When asked what she thought, Paige slunk to the floor against the wall.

When things had calmed down a bit Levi suddenly started crying and shouting hysterically, "I hate you Ashby!" 
I was so confused, Ashby wasn't even standing next to Levi. "Why do you hate Ashby?" 
"Because I wanted it to be a girl and he wanted a boy! Its all Ashby's fault!!"
Poor kid. He definitely took the news the hardest.
So, we get to have another boy at our house. I can't complain too much, they're pretty cute boys.

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