Friday, November 12, 2010

I Dreamed a Dream

I've found that whenever I'm stressed or worn out or if I'm the one in need of a time-out, I can find rejuvenation at the piano. I wish I would remember this stress-reliever sooner, but eventually I find my way there. It's usually around dinner time. All the kids are awake - so I can sing and play loudly without worrying about waking someone up - dinner is in the oven, and I have had enough of the constant whining and tugging on my arm.

I sit down and pull out what little music I have. I usually end up singing the one song I feel like I play well and can sing at the same time - I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables. I think I need to learn a new song... It doesn't feel right (in those circumstances) to be singing "I had a dream my life would be, so different from this life (well you know that isn't really the word, but my mom would always make us change it) I'm living".

Right about then Brian walks in the door and everything is instantly better.


Unknown said...

"Master the Tempest is Raging" is a favorite hymn of mine to play on the piano. And when I've had it the hymn comes out much more volatile than you'd hear in sacrament meeting ;)

Unknown said...

I 'm right there with ya on the piano being a stress reliever!! If you ever need more music, you know where I live!!

Tina said...

I so agree!!!!! My only problem is trying to play fast enough before John and Jacob come around the corner to pound the keys. I usually distract them with a snack...