Monday, November 15, 2010

Rumor is I play the organ

I played the organ in church yesterday. It was my first time.

It was just a prelude number, "Teach me to Walk". I'm glad it was an easy one, because I was pretty nervous.

Over the last couple of months I was involved in an organ workshop in our ward. The real ward organist taught a handful of people the basics of playing the organ. It was a good course, and really low-key.

I've been taking Ashby and Levi with me to practice at the church while Paige is in school. It worked out okay, until Levi discovered all the amazing buttons he could push.

So everyone in the class is supposed to play a prelude number some time. I decided to lead the way, hopefully the others will follow.

I'm also proud to say I didn't even mess up (well, one note, for a split second).


Emily said...

That used to be my calling in high school. It was the slowest prelude music the church has ever known.

Tasha said...

That's awesome Tar! Good job. Careful though. Once the word gets out, you just might get a new calling. And ward organist seems to be a lifetime calling. I can't believe it's been almost 4 years for me! I'm ready for a change that's for sure. But I think they're waiting for me to stop making mistakes before they think I've mastered my calling. Now that will definitely take a life time!

Brian Blumer said...

I didn't notice your split-second slip-up. I thought the whole thing was perfect, right down to the fact that you got the meeting started exactly on time. And your nervosity (I made that up) was completely invisible.

Tina said...

You are always so great at learning new things and accomplishing so much. I've always wanted to learn to play the organ. Congrats on a successful first time!!!!!

Olivia Justine said...

did u dare to pedal??? :)

i'm so super proud of you for going are coming into your own very well, tara. i'm certain your mom was smiling ear to ear the entire song :)