Thursday, April 5, 2012

Professor Long-ears

Yesterday Paige participated in her First Grade Program.
It was called, "Professor Long-Ears Saves the Day". Guess who was Professor Long-Ears?

It was a cute, short little play where some bunnies were worried about getting to the Bunny Hop on time but they couldn't read the clock. So they asked a chicken, a turtle and a frog for help, but none of them knew how to tell time. Eventually they asked Professor Long-Ears.

Here is what Paige got to say,
Sit down, dear children. It is really very simple. The big carrot points to the minute. The little carrot points to the hour. When the big carrot is on the twelve, it is exactly on the hour. So you see, (holding up the clock) the minute carrot is on the twelve and the hour carrot is on the two. It is exactly two o'clock!

She did a really great job and was a very serious and studious professor. The rest of the program was filled with cute springtime type songs and even doing the bunny hop with family members around the gym. Very fun!

1 comment:

Tasha said...

So cool. And great that she got such a big part in the show having missed school last week. She is perfect for the part - so smart!