Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cody is 9 month old

This is Cody.

He is 9 months old.
He loves to stand on your lap and bounce.
He loves baby food - any flavor. Except that texture baby food makes him gag and subsequently throw up.
He is our chunkiest baby = 20.1 lbs. But that only puts him in the 50th percentile (man, there must be some really fat babies out there!).
He loves watching his older siblings make him laugh.
He loves drinking apple juice.
He laughs when you play peek-a-boo.
He loves to shift his weight back and forth when standing.

Cody hates to be on his tummy. He just does Superman and screams.

At his 9 mo check up the doctor asked:

Does he crawl?  No
Does he pull himself up to stand?  No
Does he army crawl? No
Does he clap? No
Does he wave? No
Doe he say the ma-ma, da-da sounds?  No
Does he use a sippy cup?  No
Does he roll over? No

But, this is our cute little, content baby boy.

(Although, he has started to get frustrated lately if he can't reach something, but he soon gives up.)

I think he'll start to figure out the getting around thing as soon as he gets some motivation.

Stay tuned...


Tina said...

Hee, hee!! We love chunky babies at our house too!! I've had 5 of them. He's so cute! Don't worry. I had to say no to a lot of those same questions, even at a year but then they magically started doing them soon after. He'll get there!!

Unknown said...

Kate didn't do any of those things (except talk) at that age either. She was perfectly content to be right wherever I was and felt no desire to move anywhere! Oh well, it all came in its own due time and now you'd never know the difference. He's absolutely darling. And looks a whole lot like his brothers. :)