Monday, June 18, 2012

I had a birthday

...shout hooray!

We celebrated my birthday the night before by taking the whole family to their first time to Seven Peaks Waterpark. I thought it was a very enjoyable evening. Even though we have season passes this year, I haven't worked up the courage to take four kids on my own. How do I take 4 kids that don't know how to swim to a water park? Especially when the big ones want to go on water slides, but the little ones aren't allowed? Sounds awful to me. But this time worked out great with Brian by my side. Even Cody loved his first time in the water.

The birthday loot. I got spoiled with some cool running headphones, a SD card, pajamas and other treats and goodies.

Some of our grand activity ideas got spoiled when I decided I couldn't stand the pain in my big toe any longer and finally went to get it checked out. It has been sensitive for a few months but only if someone touched it - walking was fine. But then the stroller fell out of the car onto my toe and a can fell off the counter on to it and I couldn't ignore it any longer. So I spent the afternoon at the doctor's office and the pharmacy. I found out I have an infection at the base of my toe nail so I got an antibiotic and am soaking it in Epsom salts a couple times a day.

Then I got to sit down, relax, soak my foot and watch a Shirley Temple movie while my family made me dinner.

It got to be pretty windy so we flew a kite in the front yard and avoided the walk to the park.

It took me a long time to decide what kind of birthday cake I would like. I didn't want a bunch of left overs just waiting for me to eat and I didn't feel like anything super sweet. Then it came to me - English Trifle! mouth watered for it all week long and then I finally got it. Looooove!

And now, I guess I'm 31.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Happy Happy Birthday Tara!! I hope your toe feels better. Ouchie!!! It sounds like such a fun day with your beautiful family!!