Monday, June 18, 2012

Rumor is, I wrote a song

...well, kind of.

I arranged a medley for the primary children to sing for Father's Day. It's a combination of "Dearest Names" and "Daddy's Homecoming".

It was so fun to imagine how to piece the songs together and figure out what would sound good. Then I cut and pasted the songs and fooled around with it a bit. But the best part was that my neighbor (a song writer by profession) let me come over and use his equipment to print it out and make it look all professional.

Then...I published my song!

And yesterday the darling kids came up in church and sang to their Daddy's. Everyone smiles and sang great, and I heard a good chuckle from the audience behind me as I conducted.

Such a cool and fun experience!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Tara, you are amazing. That is seriously so cool!! Congrats!!