Friday, October 19, 2012

Love-struck 8-year-old

Oh dear...
One of Paige's spelling assignments was to use her spelling words in a letter to a friend. I had no idea she was going to write a love letter.
What are we to do?


Unknown said...

I'm dying! Oh, I hope you put this in a safe place. It is priceless. I wanna hear more about this salad! Absolutely hilarious!!! (and i'm also glad I don't have to be the mother in this situation. Good luck!)

Tasha said...

Oh my goodness! That is AWESOME! I forgot to tell you when I was there, that she had me bend down to tell me a secret. "I have a boyfriend named James and we're planning to marry." I thought it was so funny the way she said it. You definitely have to give her an A+ for creativity with this letter though. I especially like the way she used the spelling word "study". I just can't stop laughing. What did you say to her about this letter? This is definitely a more mature way to express feelings for a boy, rather than just stealing Brett Flaherty's hat every recess. =)

Brian Blumer said...

I helped her on her homework last night. I think this really is mostly just a creative way of using all her spelling words. I mean, look at that list of words. How would you put them all into a letter to a friend that actually makes any sense? Oh, and she forgot to underline "own." That's another one.
I did have a talk with her about not having a boyfriend until she's grown up. She argued with me about it. But she argues with me about everything.
I don't want this letter to be delivered to anyone but the teacher.

Emily said...

I'm impressed that she's asking the hard questions, like "Do you want to own a car?" She may be in love but she is still practical, all the way down to the salad dressing.

If you are truly asking for advice, here is mine. Get her involved with something that will occupy her mind. Dance, art, piles of non-romantic books.... Something she can be good at and take pride in that will give her an identity besides which boy loves her.

Brian Blumer said...

Good advice, Emily.

Tanya Leigh said...

Holy cow, that is the number one most awesome, adorable love-struck eight-year-old letter I have ever beheld. That took some major thinking.

I agree with Emily, too. And, Brian, just say how it is. There needn't be room for argument. The more matter-of-fact we are the less room there is for arguing, right??

But really, it looks like everyone is thrilled at their wedding, so I'm sure she understands rules. ;)

Emily said...

The psychologist in me says it's a good sign the bride and groom's duck-lips aren't actually touching.

(Though my opinion doesn't mean much as my only psychology background is what I've seen on TV.)

Brian Blumer said...

"Are you a psychologist?"

"No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night."

Marlo said...

This is Awesome!