Sunday, December 9, 2012

Freckle Juice

Here's what Paige has to say about her latest creation...

I got the idea for Cody's blue freckles from Judy Blume's "Freckle Juice". It was kind of a funny book. So I got kind of really wanting to have a brother with freckles. I have freckles so I was really wanting to see what a brother with freckles looks like. So I put blue freckles on my baby brother Cody with a blue marker that you can draw on stuffed doodle animals. I thought it could wash off anyway, because it said it could wash off the other toys. But you cannot put Cody in the washing machine. That would be silly and hurt him! I kind of liked the way Cody looked with blue freckles, instead of brown. And then mommy came to get Cody and she looked at him and then she said, "Why does Cody have blue freckles on him?" And I said, "Ummm...I did that." And then she went to wash it off while I was drawing a picture (it looks realistic) and then she called me and said, "Paige! Its not coming off! Why did you do that?!" 
And now you know the story...

1 comment:

Nicole said...

You have no idea how much I love this! Paige is so incredibly precocious. She is so entertaining for those of us not raising her ;-)