Tuesday, August 10, 2010


11am - 5pm. 6 consecutive hours. This is nap time at our house. That's a big chunk of time for me to give up. If I want to run any errands or do anything I have to do it first thing in the morning, or later at night. Its okay though, I'd rather not do things with kids anyway.

Levi naps from 11-1, then Ashby naps from about 1-4, and Levi naps again from 3-5.

I am looking forward to the day when Levi is happy taking just one nap - and everyone's naps overlap - and then I can take a nap too.

So, if its the middle of the day and you are looking for me. Come on over - chances are I am home.


Tina said...

Oh boy!! That is a lot of nap taking and a lot of quiet time for your house! Bring on the one nap a day for sure! Wish I could just come over while all our kids napped and we could drink lemonade and talk, talk, talk!!!

Tara said...

Oh Yes Tina! Lets do it! When is the big move anyway?

The Wizzle said...

Wow, that is a lot of napping time! I'm with you, though: the kids gotta nap when they need to nap, and I won't mess with it for love or money. Naptimes and bedtimes are pretty sacred around here! I am very glad though, to be down to only one-nap-a-day-ers. Eve will still nap for a little while at 4.5 and so I usually get a few minutes with her. It's the best!

Tina said...

The big move?!?... who knows...
We did get someone today that called to look at the house. First one since we put the house up July 1st! I was pretty excited about the call but we've heard nothing back. *sigh* I sure wish we could sell our house so we can get to Utah!!!