Monday, August 22, 2011

Rumor is I'm ready to complain

10 months is a long time to be pregnant.
Throughout the months I told myself I'm not allowed to complain, even if I want to, because I know the worse is still to come and I don't want my complaining to get annoying.

I was doing pretty well, and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel...only one more week. Usually I'm happy to have a baby stay inside me for as long as possible - its much easier to take care of a baby inside, than outside. Newborns scare me. But the last few days I've actually been looking forward to being done.

I had a disappointing doctor's visit this afternoon. He was supposed to tell me that I would be induced next Tuesday or Wednesday. Instead he said there is no progress being made and he guesses it will be another two weeks before the baby comes.

I understand. I definitely don't want to have the baby if my body isn't ready. But...
We had all our out-of-town helpers perfectly lined up - now what?
I only wanted to clean the house one more time
I only wanted to go to the grocery store one more time
I only wanted to do the laundry one more time
I only wanted to shave my legs one more time
I wanted to be able to bend over again
I wanted to not care about bumps in the road
I wanted to be able to move again
I don't want feet in my ribs
I don't want to feel contractions all through the night

[sigh] This is just me complaining, but I'm allowed to now!


~aileen~jaron~ said...

oh my dear tara! you say what ever you want to say! you are SOOOO allowed! hey I have just hit 31 weeks and i am starting to get real cranky. so just rock out these last few weeks... your body knows whats up! let it do the work... Good luck and keep us posted!

Tina said...

Yes, complain all you want on this blog. We all understand completely what you are going through and we know what it feels like to want the baby OUT!! Praying that your little mister makes a decision fast and you can have him by the weekend!!!