Sunday, January 27, 2013

Working on my Before

The other day I saw a Facebook status of a good friend that made me laugh.
"I'm working on my before."
I thought that was a pretty funny way to put it.
I thought about it a lot over the last week.
I thought about as I ate Brian's birthday cupcakes.
I thought about as I loaded up my plate with seconds (or thirds) of dinner.
I thought about it as I snacked on the extra cupcake frosting.
I thought about it as I sprinkled sugar over my cereal.
I thought about it as I kept the green end of the Tucanos stick up.

And then I thought...
What if I actually took my own "before" picture?
What?! Did I just say that?!
That idea scared me.
But maybe its the motivation I need.

So, I've decided to put myself out there, and be totally vulnerable.
I have at least 30-40 pounds to lose.

I'm hoping that if I know I have people cheering me on, I'll feel more accountable.
Will you push me?

Here goes...

I'll spare you the sports bra and spandex, but these are some work-out clothes I am definitely too embarrassed to be seen wearing in public right now. 

Maybe I'm ready now....

For me, it all comes down to food. I already work out about 6 hours a week and I love it. I know I am strong. I know that I am superwoman and totally fit and ripped underneath all the outer layers.

So I've struggled. Do I learn to accept and be happy with where I am at because I know I am strong? But then I think back to 4 years ago when I did do the work to lose 45 pounds and I remember how confident I was and how happy I was, and I think it will be worth it.

I'm tired of working on my "before". Its time to look forward to my "after".

Wish me luck.


Emily said...

That is so crazy that you are saying this today.... I am feeling the exact same way. Is it because we are at the end of January and haven't made the progress we hoped for?

It's all about the food for me, too. I'll be right here cheering you on. I wish I had some inspiring words... all I have to offer is an invitation to Look me up, I am ebgster. (It's free, I love it.)

Emily said...

So.... I read this BYU study once about how hard it is to change behavior without replacing it with something else. I haven't figured out what to replace food with.... maybe something like taking a walk or turning on music. Definitely food for thought. ;)

Tasha said...

Awesome Tara - I've actually been thinking about Aileen's comment all week too! Good for you! And I love your hair cut! :)

Heather Buell said...

Great job putting yourself out there. It helped for me to be open about it and get support from friends. I'll be cheering you on - you got this!

Jenni said...

Woot woot! Go Tara!

Tina said...

Good luck, Good luck, Good luck!! You will do great! I can't wait to hear all about it and see lots of pictures too.

~aileen~jaron~ said...

This is awesome!! Dont tell me my words inspired action!? that is so awesome... your before picture looks super awesome (for a before picture :o) ... and your after is going to be FAN-TAS-TIC!!! love you and ROCK it out!!!

Jerez Fam said...

That's great that you are doing that! Wahooo! I think eating healthy is a struggle for a lot of us with so many tempting foods out there! You can do it!

Kallie said...

Good for you Tara! I saw someone suggest Myfitnesspal - I think that's a great idea. I have NEVER wanted to count calories. I have resisted it and flat out refused. I gave excuses about how that type of plan would never work for me. I didn't want to do something that I couldn't do forever and I certainly couldn't count calories forever. For example, when I did Weight Watchers I did the CORE plan so I wouldn't have to count points. But this month I tried myfitnesspal. It's super easy, I love it. And since it's so easy, I am actually finding it motivating.

You can do it!!!!!!