Thursday, June 10, 2010

The rumor is we were visited by a thief

...visited by a hungry and very dirty hunter. Some time last night our garage was broken into. We first noticed that the screen on the garage window was popped out....the side gate was open to the backyard...the shed door latch was open...looking around everything else seemed the police?....but everything looks fine....Oh, Dad's compound hunting bow is gone....Oh, the large package of paper towels above the freezer is missing....Oh, our freezer is nearly empty...all the Costco bags of chicken, the stacks of Italian sausage (left over from an Elder's Quorum BBQ), the t.v. dinners, the pot roast...Such strange things to steal.


Tina said...

Yikes! I can't believe they stole all the food... and toilet paper. (that one made me laugh)
So sorry to hear that. Get that screen fixed pronto!!

Emily said...

Tara I'm so sorry! That is the worst feeling. Did you call the police?

Blumer Mom said...

That's an awful feeling! We've been burglarized a couple of times over the years. The worst of it isn't the stuff that's missing (altho we missed my jewelry worse than we missed the tuna and girl scout cookies!), the worst is knowing a stranger has intruded on your property and damaged things and violated your safety and comfort!

DO file a police report right away! Altho chances aren't great that the intruder will be found or that you'll be able to recover your stuff or be compensated for it, it puts the police on alert and may protect you or your neighbors from an ongoing problem. It also serves as a legal record, so that if at some point a burglar is caught, your case and similar evidence could be considered to determine whether it's the same perpetrator who broke into your things. The police ought to come and investigate the scene for clues or evidence, viz. fingerprints, mode of operation, et al. Also, your homeowner's insurance should cover that kind of loss to some degree, so the theft should also be reported to them asap. It's helpful if you can itemize the things that were taken, with an estimate of their value, item by item. Any hard proof, such as photos or receipts, would also be useful.

Good luck getting all this sorted out and reinforcing your points of entry! I'm sorry you are going through this. It's no fun!

Blumer Mom said...

That's an awful feeling! We've been burglarized a couple of times over the years. The worst of it isn't the stuff that's missing (altho we missed my jewelry worse than we missed the tuna and girl scout cookies!), the worst is knowing a stranger has intruded on your property and damaged things and violated your safety and comfort!

DO file a police report right away! Altho chances aren't great that the intruder will be found or that you'll be able to recover your stuff or be compensated for it, it puts the police on alert and may protect you or your neighbors from an ongoing problem. It also serves as a legal record, so that if at some point a burglar is caught, your case and similar evidence could be considered to determine whether it's the same perpetrator who broke into your things. The police ought to come and investigate the scene for clues or evidence, viz. fingerprints, mode of operation, et al. Also, your homeowner's insurance should cover that kind of loss to some degree, so the theft should also be reported to them asap. It's helpful if you can itemize the things that were taken, with an estimate of their value, item by item. Any hard proof, such as photos or receipts, would also be useful.

Good luck getting all this sorted out and reinforcing your points of entry! I'm sorry you are going through this. It's no fun!

adriennep said...

Yuck! What a terrible feeling to know someone was in your garage while you slept. Completely gives me the creeps. Glad you are all safe. That person must really have been desperate/hungry... But yuck! I'm sorry! And now that I am home alone in a quiet dark house with children sleeping upstairs, I am going to check all the windows and doors with a big fat stick in my hand!

Tanya Leigh said...

that IS bizarre! Who woulda guessed they'd go for the food. hungry hunter, indeed!