Sunday, September 12, 2010

Judge not, that ye be not judged

When did I become so judgmental?

I used to be so easy-going. Nothing bothered me. I trusted everybody and gave them the benefit of the doubt.

Now all kinds of little things from all kinds of people have begun to bother me. I find myself rolling my eyes, and letting things fester inside of me and I hate this feeling.

When I was young, I thought adults had it so easy - their life was already figured out. But now I'm realizing that as you get older you interact with more people which means there are more opportunities for people to rub you the wrong way.

I miss the young, innocent, naive Tara.


Emily said...

I've been thinking a lot about this and I decided that I'm actually less judgemental now that I've got a little more life experience under my belt. I used to be amazed at all the little girls at the grocery store who didn't have their hair done and now that I have 3 little girls of own I totally and completely understand. I also used to judge other people's parenting. HA! Yeah, I don't do that anymore. Mostly. Besides in Sacrament meeting, that's where I do most of my judging. (totally righteously)

Gayla said...

I totally understand what you are saying Tara. I feel like that a lot. Really loved Pres. Monson's talk yesterday about this. I'll never forget the talk about laundry. lol

Tara said...

I was wondering how Pres. Monson read my blog.