Friday, February 3, 2012

First Placer

Yesterday was the school's science fair, and guess what....Paige got a blue ribbon! Hurrah!

Paige has always been fascinated about learning about the body. We have a huge science encyclopedia at home that she loves to read for bedtime stories, but she's only ever interested in the human body section. So of course she wanted to do a science fair experiment about the body. We decided that an easy experiment would be about the brain and short term memory.

We wrote down 12 numbers on a piece of paper to show to people for ten seconds and then have them write down, in order, how many numbers they could remember. Simple enough.

As I'm sure you are aware, Paige is not shy. She was able to test 66 people. We tested family, her school class, neighbors, YW basketball players, and complete strangers at the UVU basketball game. "Hey want to help me with my science fair project?!" Of course everyone was most helpful.

The testing part was the easiest. Then I had to help her figure out what it all meant. We made a data table and graphs together. She wanted to see how many numbers most people could remember. Then she was interested to know if older or younger people remember more, or if girls or boys remember more. That meant more graphs. She did a pretty great job paying attention as I walked her through it. She enjoyed coloring the graphs and had her whole shpeal ready for the judges. She must have dazzled them. ;)

I'm so glad that Paige is having successes at school. It's really exciting, and I'm glad school gives her so many neat opportunities.


Unknown said...

What a great project! Another interesting take on memory things would be to take into consideration things like "pregnancy brain" (when a pregnant woman can't remember a dang thing) and issues like "fibro fog" (common mental fog associated with fibromyalgia). Last night even in my dreams I couldn't string together two thoughts in a row! It was a really bad fibro fog night, lol. Not quite as bad as those dreams in which you keep trying to wake up, but still frustrating!
Way to go Paige!!!

Tina said...

That is so great!!! Yay Paige!! She sure is a firecracker and I'm sure the judges were charmed for sure!!!