Friday, February 3, 2012

Love Note

The other day I woke up to find Paige had made my breakfast and a love note on a paper towel.

"Dear Mom. I made you a poptart to say what a great mom you are. I love you. Love Paige."
How thoughtful. It was really hard to be mad at her after that, even though the Sharpie she had used bled through all over the counter. Hmmm....


Heather Buell said...

So sweet and so sad for your counter. Were you able to get the sharpie out? If not try mixing some lemon juice with baking soda. I've never tried it with Sharpie, but I've gotten tons of food dye out of the counter like that.

Tara said...

Thanks Heather. The Sharpie is still there. I'll have to try your concoction.

Heather Buell said...

Give it a try and let me know if it worked. What I do is sprinkle baking soda all over the stain and then pour quite a bit of lemon juice over it. I let it sit for several minutes and then get a paper towel and scrub. You have to use quite a bit of elbow grease. Sometimes it only takes out part of the stain so I just repeat the process until it's all gone. I hope it works for you.