Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rumor is Paige finally started school

No tears today. But my heart did leap.


Tina said...

She looks adorable!! And the short hair is so cute on her! I hope she had a great first day. So, does she have morning school then? I bet it works great with your napping schedule!!

granny said...

I never cried either. Not.even.once. It is such a happy step in life! I hope her year is fabulous!

Brian Blumer said...

It's a good thing I didn't go. I might have cried. I love my little innocent girl. It seems school sort of takes away the innocence. I just want the world to know how brilliant and sweet she is - I wish everyone could see her like I do. I'm very proud of her. I don't know if that school realizes what just hit it.