Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rumor is Fall is here

On our property we have just one tree. Its kind of a lonely tree, but it looks nice in the front yard.
Most of the time I am sad about our one tree. I especially wish for shade in the backyard on hot summer days. But when its fall time, I am grateful that we only have one lonely tree.


Emily said...

What a great tree! Ours don't get quite enough leaves yet for jumping. I'm sure by the time they do it will be time to move.


Tina said...

You got all those leaves from one little tree in your front yard? Ya, no kidding you are glad you only have one. We only have one but it doesn't give us many leaves to clean up in the fall. It usually waits until December to shed itself!!

Tanya Leigh said...

I'm so excited! ... I KNOW that street now! :)