Friday, October 8, 2010

Thrive v. Survive

I think I can boil down my life into two categories - Thrive or Survive.

It comes in waves.

There are periods of time when I am strictly on survival mode and just getting through one day at a time. I feel accomplished if I can take a shower that day.

Then there are times when my schedule would make me think I should be overwhelmed, yet I thrive.

I think the stages of my kids have a lot to do with these waves. I felt like I was in survival mode for about the last year. Its always kind of a depressing feeling because there is so much more you want to be able to do.

Right now I'm feeling good though.

Here are some of the things on my schedule:
  • Working part-time from home
  • Teaching kickboxing at stake aerobics
  • Teaching co-op preschool
  • Heading up YW volleyball
  • Playing in a softball league
  • Taking Meteorology and Astronomy classes
  • Setting the curve in my classes
  • Taking organ lessons
  • Managing the rental of my dad's condo
  • Making meals for service
  • Trading off babysitting
  • Making dinner for my family each night
I know my thriving time won't last forever. But its nice to know that I really can do it. At least until the tides change.


Unknown said...

I LOVE thriving!!! I remember when I thrived once... I think it was about a year ago ;)
Brilliant way to put it, though. On a closer perspective I have my survive vs. thrive days and even hours. We take what we get, right? Your schedule is impressive! I strive to thrive with such pursuits someday :)

The Wizzle said...

Yeah, I love those times too. I know exactly what you mean! I have to say, I don't know if I have ever done as much at once as you are doing though! Maybe if I wrote it all down like that I would surprise myself...

Tanya Leigh said...

Yes, I agree. Brilliant idea to write it all down. I need to do that because, right now I am looking around and thinking. Wow. When is 'survival mode' going to end?!