Thursday, September 2, 2010

Rumor is I'm a big spender

I wish I could spend money and not even think about it.

I never used to think about it when it was my parent's money - I mean, why shouldn't I get the $100 shoes? or the $60 jeans?

I remember a few years ago Brian and I wound up with a large amount of money and I used some of it for a shopping trip to Ikea - things that had only ever been on our wish list. It was very exciting. I only got a few items, but it added up to over $300. I couldn't believe I was actually going to spend that much money. I walked up to the cashier and the floor began to spin and I literally felt ill.

I am always worried about spending money. I love to browse the store ads each week and mark the things I would like to buy. Then the ads go in the trash because I know I'm fooling myself.

I never buy clothes for my kids. I feel very fortunate to have older siblings willing to pass along bins and bins full of out-grown clothes that my kids can use. I can probably count on two hands how many outfits I have actually paid for myself.

The other day I went through all the hand-me-downs in Paige's dresser to see what kinds of stuff I needed to get before she started school. It seemed like she had pretty much everything she needed, but I wanted to give her the fun of just one special outfit she could wear on the first day of school. Like she even cares - its probably more for me. I loved the first day of school and laying out my outfit carefully the night before, complete with socks in shoes. Love, love that feeling.

So I headed out to find a cute outfit. My plan was Ross - because I feel like I can get a good deal there. They didn't have much to choose from and I was pretty disappointed. So I went next door to Old Navy. I have not shopped there for years. And this was absolutely the first time I have been in the Girls department (I think I've been to the toddler section at some point). They had lots of cute things and I wanted all of it. Why does everything have to be so darn expensive? I was pretty disappointed. But Paige tried on a few things and we came away with some very cute pants and a top and some leggings - $50. I tried not to think about it. Afterall, this is my first-born, and her first day of school, and she deserves it. I feel guilty all the way home.

I won't buy myself anything unless it is under $10 -- 6 is more like it. And I just paid $20 for a pair of pants that she probably won't even fit into next year...but they were really cute pants.

Well, today I did a little more shopping - Burlington, Kid2Kid, and Shopko. I am pleased with the results, and feel much better about the use of my money. Old Navy will have to wait for my business another year. I think Paige will look very cute for school ... now if she would only allow me to do her hair ...


aubrie said...

I am the exact same way! I just can't justify spending a lot of money on clothes when I know I can find them at kid to kid or the DI for way cheaper! I always loved the new back to school clothes too. I'm sure Paige will look adorable! I hope she loves school and has fun!

Unknown said...

LOL I'm the very same. I cringe buying myself a new pair of jeans for $15 at WalMart! And mine will last for several years (or until they don't fit right one way or the other...). I guess I'm too obvious about beign acrooge because I was asked to give a short workshop about penny pinching at our ward Super Saturday in a couple of weeks.
We're fortunate to get lots of hand-me-downs too. Then we were so glad to ahve all girls so as the girls grow the clothes just move to the next dresser drawer :P

Unknown said...

wow, that was some miserable typing! That's what I get for typing on my netbook while lying down in bed :")

Tasha said...

ditto Tar. I did Evan's school shopping at Savers and still felt guilty spending $6 on the jeans I bought him. Sure am glad for those hand-me-downs though. Sorry all the pants we end up giving to Ashby get holes in them though by the time Evan is done - hence the reason I needed "new" pants from Savers.

Tina said...

I totally agree with everything everyone else has said.

Now I can't wait to see a picture of her on her first day. She sure is a beautiful girl. She will look great!!
Ah! The hair issue... good luck with that. Tell her it is a special day and special days require special hair. Maybe she'll let you.

Tara said...

So much for buying discount - two of the snaps fell off of Paige's shirt this morning when I went to get her dressed for the first day of school. :(

Tanya Leigh said...

No! -- the Old Navy shirt?? or not?

I have been equally blessed with hand me downs. It's really hard to not give in to what WE want, isn't it?

When I have to buy something for them, I love telling my kids, "look for something under $5." -- It's fun to see them make the choice on their own. -- and makes my "nay-saying" job a little bit easier. :)