Monday, May 23, 2011


We had a little excitement at our house last night.

We noticed an ambulance and firetruck outside and went into the backyard to see it. Ashby ran back inside the house to go around the front. I heard him slip on the tile and start to cry. I went inside to help him up but he staggered forward and landed flat on his face on the tile again. That tile is so hard - it hurts to even think about it. I picked him up and he seemed so twisted around and weird looking. He was stiff in my arms and his eyes were going crazy. It only lasted a few seconds before he started to come back around. I didn't know what to do, it was just the strangest thing and then it was over. I talked to him for a bit and calmed him down. I thought about running outside to the paramedics with my little boy in my arms, but everything seemed fine now. I called out to Brian in the backyard to come inside. Ashby's eyes were so bloodshot and he seemed confused about what happened. The ambulance was still outside and Brian really wanted me to go out and talk to them. I was too scared, but eventually we went out in the rain and I caught a paramedic's attention. He said to monitor Ashby for the next 4-6 hours and sleep by him if we could, to make sure he doesn't seize again. So that's what we did until about 1am.

Later Paige wanted Ashby to reenact what happened. He only remembers the first fall of slipping on the tile. Then he started spinning around and told Brian that I was spinning him in circles. "Why did you do that Mom?" he asked.

Everything seems to be fine today. Ashby is his old self. He just has some purple bruises on the side of his face. Sure is a scary feeling to not know how to help your kid though.

(We never did figure out why the ambulance was parked outside in the first place. Hope everyone is okay across the street.)


Unknown said...

That is so scary! That happened once when Kate was probably 3 years old. She fell and hit her head. Michael picked her up and she immediately passed out! She was only out for a few seconds, but it was really startling!
Glad he's okay. How comforting to you to have paramedics right close by at that moment!

Tina said...

Oh Tara, that is not fun at all! I'm glad that you had the paramedics outside to give you advice though you know?
I'm glad everything turned out ok. Poor guy!!!